Timea Junghaus and Dr. Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka of ERIAC attended the 16th CAHROM Meeting that took place at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. During an exchange on Roma cultural inclusion and the role of arts and culture in fighting anti-gypsyism, they discussed the work of the Institute and urged member states to commit to supporting Roma arts and culture.
The CAHROM (Ad hoc Committee of Experts on Roma and Traveller Issues) reviews the implementation of policies (national programmes and/or action plans) and identifies good practices of Member States concerning Roma and Travellers, with a goal to promoting implementation of relevant standards of the Council of Europe and contributing to the European database on policies/good practices for the integration of Roma and Travellers. By exchanging information, views, and experience on Member States’ policies and relevant measures for Roma and Travellers at a national, regional, and local level it assists Member States in the development and implementation of effective policies for Roma and Traveller integration, balancing the relevant standards and instruments of the Council of Europe, and the specific situation in each Member State.
The committee prepares recommendations, advice, and opinions for the Committee of Ministers, including ad hoc opinions on emerging issues that require urgent attention. It draws up guidelines for the development and implementation of policies which promote the rights of the Roma and Travellers and keeps the situation of Roma and Travellers in Member States under review.
CAHROM reports back to the Committee of Ministers and supports the implementation of relevant activities launched by the Council of Europe, particularly within the “Thematic Action Plan on the Inclusion of Roma and Travellers (2016-2019)”. It also follows its implementation. Moreover, CAHROM ensures co-operation and synergies with the work of other international organisations that are active in this area (i.e. the EU, the OSCE, and relevant UN agencies).