On July 17th, the Schoolclash e.V. organization together with twenty of their recent trainees have visited our exhibition “Roma Women Weaving Europe”, which is currently on its last week in ERIAC’s gallery. the participants are part of a teacher-training programme supported by the Erasmus+ European Commission called Cultural Heritage in Perspective, designed to use cultural heritage as a pedagogical tool to foster dialogue and mutual understanding between different national, religious, and ethnic backgrounds. Apart from exploring the gallery and enjoying the artworks, during their visit they receive a long speech given by Dr. Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, about the Roma community in general, the Roma art, and how the Roma contemporary art and Romani Heritage can bring us all together to fight prejudices and stereotypes. The speech was followed by a group discussion between ERIAC’s team and the programme’s participants, who came from very mixed fields of studies, with great potential to learn more about the Roma culture and Heritage.
Schoolclash website: http://schoolclash.eu/en/