Open Call: Artist Residencies in Florence for Two Roma Contemporary Artists in 2021
Following the successful premiere of their collaboration in 2020, the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) joins forces again in 2021 with the Villa Romana Artist Residency Programme, to offer two residencies to Roma contemporary artists. This exciting initiative draws upon the ground-breaking work, expertise, and vision of both institutions to realise a unique opportunity for Roma artists, and marks a significant step in recognition of the importance of Roma contemporary art practice today.
Through the cooperation of Villa Romana and ERIAC, the residency offers artists the opportunity to focus on their work, to seek an exchange with other artists at the Villa Romana and in the regional environment, and to engage with the history of art on site.
The programme will promote two selected artists and give visibility to Roma contemporary arts. The works produced during the Roma contemporary art residencies will be exhibited in Berlin at the ERIAC Arts Space in 2022. An international jury will screen the candidates and select the two artists for the 2021 residency.
Members of the Jury
Daniel Baker (artist, Curator of FUTUROMA at Biennale Arte Venezia 2019)
Timea Junghaus (curator, art historian, Executive Director of ERIAC)
Maria Lind (curator, writer, educator, Cultural Counsellor at the Embassy of Sweden in Moscow)
Angelika Stepken (curator, author, Director of Villa Romana)
The residencies will take place in 2021 (between May and September), and the selected artists will be provided with a guest room in the Villa Romana for a period of two months.
The selected artists will receive a monthly stipend in the amount of 1000 Euros. Travel expenses are also covered.
Application Deadline: 1 March 2021
Jury Session: early April 2021
Eligibility Requirements
Visual artists with self-declared Roma identity, whose work provides a special contribution to contemporary art production.
We do not require a special description of the planned project.
Please send your CV and a portfolio (digital, if possible) by 1 March 2021
to and to
with the subject line: 2021 Residency application
About Villa Romana and ERIAC
The Villa Romana is a site of contemporary artistic production and of international exchange. Founded in 1905 by artists and patrons, it still operates as a non-profit association. Every year, it hosts the current Villa Romana award winners, as well as international guest artists. With exhibitions and a wide range of events, Villa Romana strives to promote interaction between artists and the public, to expand its international network, and to provide insight and communication with the cultures of the Mediterranean region.
ERIAC was officially established on 7 June 2017, in Berlin, Germany. The Institute is a joint initiative of the Council of Europe (CoE), the Open Society Foundations (OSF), and the Roma Leaders’ initiative – the Alliance for the European Roma Institute. ERIAC has a unique mandate as the first transnational organisation for the recognition of Roma arts and culture. The Institute functions as a transnational creative hub, supporting the exchange of creative ideas across borders, cultural domains, and Romani identities. ERIAC highlights the numerous and multifaceted Romani contributions to European culture, talent, success, and achievement, as well as documenting the historical experiences of Romani people across Europe.
Download the open call here: ERIAC_Villa Romana_OpenCall_2021