
Mrs Sonia Carmona Tapia

Country of residence



Roma (father) and non roma (mother)


Theatre director


Since I am already somehow of age, my trajectory is quite large but being the free spirit I am it has not been an easy one but for sure, something to be proud of. I studied a Bachelor of fine arts in theatre in the USA at West Virginia University, thanks to a grant in aid program from the Univeesity and a grant from the Andalusian government. This was from 1987 to 1992, when I came back to Andalucia and remained in Sevilla working for the Universal Exhibition that was taking place in this city at the time. In 1993 I started working as assistance director for the Andalusian Theatre Center and began my directing studies at the Instituto del Teatro de Sevilla being part of the first generation class and the only woman that was part of this class. This took place from 1993 to 1996. In 1996 I started my own independent theatre company called Aaiún Producciones with which I have produced over 20 plays and many educational and cultural programs (see the website for more information). Most of our productions have been commisioned works for diverse organizations:for example Cernuda, 1963 was a performance commission by the Diputación de Sevilla and it toured over 50 theaters in the province of Sevilla cosisting also of an educational program to spread the figure and work of the poet Luis Cernuda among youngsters. Another program that has been of great impact was commissioned by the Ayuntamiento de Sevilla and it was called Theatre of Life and experience. This project run for over 7 ye

