Mr Dezso Mate
Country of residence
Roma/ Beash – Árgyelán and Romani Oláh – Colári
PhD Candidate at Eötvös Loránd University – Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program – Faculty of Social Sciences, Budapest (Master of Romology – Movie Culture and Media Studies- Teacher)
My name is Dezso Mate, a Romani activist – scholar, who would like to add his own narrative, knowledge and lived experiences to social science. I am one of first person in Hungary and in EU level as well, who started to talk about Roma LGBTQ intersectionality in front of the larger publicity, in activism and in the academia since 2010. I am a social science researcher and Roma LGBTQ activist, who would like to give voice for those people who are at the moment oppressed and invisible because of their ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, class, age characteristics or any of these intersections.
Currently I am a PhD Candidate at the Eötvös Loránd University – Faculty of Social Sciences. I have five years experiences from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, where I have got valuable skills as a researcher; however in my work I am representing and holding the view of the Critical Romani Studies perspectives from the Central European University.
Considering my family background, I am a Romani person, whose parents died when I was 6 years old, and as a consequence of it I become homeless more like 3 years. I was channeled into the segregated educational social system.