Page id: 11921

How to (Re-)Frame Narratives in and with Media Entities


Trainer: Gilda Horvath

Monday, October 31




The training is dedicated for ERIAC Associate Members only.





In the frame of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the European Union, ERIAC is launching a new project: ERIACNET4EU: ERIAC NETWORK TO ADVANCE ROMA INCLUSION BY COMBATTING AND PREVENTING ANTIGYPSYISM IN THE EU.


With the adoption of the new EU Roma Framework, the EU and its member states move towards implementation where expert advice as well as reliable partners on all levels of policy-making and implementation (local, regional, national, European) are needed.

ERIACNET4EU project will offer the expertise, specific know-how and reliable methodologies to support the implementation of the new framework.

ERIACNET4EU project aims at protecting, promoting and raising awareness of rights of Roma citizens of the EU and thereby at strengthening the EU values, in particular of equality, justice and non-discrimination and thus contributing to building a more democratic EU where all citizens can enjoy equal access and protection of their rights. It aims to do so by providing support to ERIAC network members, including civil society organizations active at local, regional and transnational level, to increase their capacities, establish channels of communication and participation with public authorities and EU institutions to ensure their active engagement in policy implementation and design targeting Roma. At the same time, it will result in providing informed, reliable, consolidated and quality input to European and national policy-makers and public institutions, to increase the effective implementation of strategies and laws that affect the lives of Roma in the EU.


Download centre for visual elements - Regional Policy - European Commission

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”