[SERBIAN; English below]



2. AVGUST 2021. 




17:00h – 18:30h

Beograd, Majke Jevrosime 51, prizemlje


U noći između 2. i 3. avgusta 1944. godine oko 4.300 muškaraca, žena i dece Roma, preostalih zatvorenika takozvanog „Porodičnog kampa“, ubijeno je u gasnim komorama koncentracionog logora Aušvic-Birkenau. Oni su među stotinama hiljada žrtava genocida nad Romima, koje su ubili nacisti i njihovi saveznici. Romi su bili jedni od mnogih grupa, žrtava holokausta. U spomen na ove nevine žrtve i sve Sinte i Rome koji su tokom Drugog svetskog rata doživeli užasnu sudbinu, 2.avgust obeležava se kao Dan sećanja na Rome žrtve holokausta. Evropski parlament je 2015. godine usvojio rezoluciju kojom je 2.avgust zvanično proglašen za Dan sećanja na Rome žrtve holokausta. Do danas mnoge evropske zemlje usvojile su ovaj datum i zvanično ga obeležavaju.

Uz porast retorike razdvajanja, govora mržnje i zločina iz mržnje, važno je podsetiti se na te mračne trenutke naše istorije i učiti iz lekcija prošlosti. Holokaust Roma još uvek nije široko poznata istorijska činjenica – to je tema o kojoj se retko predaje u školi i koja nije deo obaveznog obrazovanja o Holokaustu. Pored sećanja na žrtve patnje iz prošlosti, ne smemo da zaboravimo da je danas previše Roma suočeno sa diskriminacijom, žrtve su govora mržnje i zločina iz mržnje u Evropi. Ovo je dan sećanja, ali i sumorna opomena da ne ćutimo već da se borimo protiv rasizma i anti-ciganizma u savremenom društvu. 

Evropski romski institut za umetnost i kulturu Srbija (ERIAC Srbija), zajedno sa Opre Roma Srbija i Fondom za obrazovanje Roma obeležava Dan sećanja na Rome žrtve holokausta. Glavni događaj koji će se organizovati u prostorijama galerije ERIAC Srbija u Beogradu biće projekcija dokumentarnog filma A ti bože preživi, praćena diskusijom između Ljuana Koke, autora dokumentarnog, Milovana Pisarija i Bajrama Halitija, eksperata za Holokaust i Jelene Krivokapić aktivistkinje pokreta Opre Roma Srbija i Redjepali Chupi, direktor Fonda za obrazovanje Roma. Opre Roma Srbija organizuje projekciju filma i panel diskusiju kao glavni događaj u Leskovcu i u drugim lokalnim zajednicama.

Nakon projekcije filma biće organizovana moderirana diskusija na kojoj će se otvoriti sledeća pitanja: Kakva je istorija holokausta nad Romima tokom Drugog svetskog rata i koji su njegovi ideološki i društveni koreni? Kako povećati vidljivost istorije o genocidu nad Romima u javnosti? Kako promeniti negativni diskurs koji predominantno vlada o Romima u društvu? Koliko zabrinjava podložnost mladih novim neonacističkim ideologijama i desničarskim pokretima. Kakva je uloga obrazovnog sistema u širenju znanja i formiranju balansiranijeg pogleda na Rome u društvu?

Gosti na projekciji će imati priliku da postave pitanja i učestvuju u diskusiji. Pošto će se diskusija prenositi uživo preko fejsbuka gledaoci u lokalnim zajednicama će imati priliku da postave pitanja i učestvuju u diskusiji.



17:00 – 17:10    Dobrodošlica i svečano otvaranje

                          Bratislav Mitrović, menadžer kancelarije ERIAC Srbija  


17:10 – 17:40   Projekcija dokumentarnog filma A ti bože preživi

17:40 – 18:10   Panel diskusija Romi pamte – Sećanje na holokaust

                         Ljuan Koka – autor dokumentarnog filma A ti bože preživi

                         Bajram Haliti – romolog i ekspert za holokaust nad Romima

                         Milovan Pisari – istorijski istraživač i ekspert za holokaust

                         Jelena Krivokapić Nikolić – pravnica i aktivistkinja pokreta Opre Roma Srbije

                         Redjepali Chupi – direktor Fonda za obrazovanje Roma

                         Moderatorka panel diskusije Jadranka Ivković, direktorka ERIAC Srbija

18:10 – 18:30  Koktel



Dokumentarni film A Ti Bože preživi snimljen je u produkciji Radio Televizije Priština 1988. Godine u režiji Seljami Taraku po scenariju Ljuana Koke. Kroz vizuru strip crtača  film prikazuje stradanje Roma u koncentracionom logoru u Jasenovcu. Remasterizovana verzija filma uradjena je 2014. godine uz podršku Ministarstva kulture Republike Srbije. U filmu govore Simon Vizental, Milan Bulajić i Dragojlo Lukić i preživeli logoraši Romi Stjepan Nikolić, Joko Nikolić i Milan  Đurdjević. Posebno je dramatično svedočenje bivšeg logoraša Stjepana Nikolića u scenama sa suđenja Andriji Artukoviću, ministru pravde u NDH. Strašne priče, jezivi podaci i neviđena brutalnost pretvaraju se u stripski crno beli svet i dovoljno jasno upozoravaju da moramo da izgradimo bolji i humaniji  svet. I da se ovo stradanje nikada ne zaboravi.

„Gospodine Bože

Učini ljubav nesrećnom Ciganinu

Nek sav svet pomre

A Ti Bože… preživi

I pamet u glavu

Kad iznova avet stvaraš.“

(Romska narodna pesma)



Ljuan Koka je rođen 1960 godine u Prizrenu. Scenarista, novinar, autor više udžbenika i knjiga, politikolog. Diplomirao na Fakultetu političkih nauka u Beogradu. Stripom se bavio u periodu 1983-1987, kao scenarista Ju strip magazina. Najvažniji stripski serijali su mu: „Vorloh“ i „Niti snova o moći“,  „Shine on you crazy diamond“ i „ A Ti Bože preživi“. Ostvario obimnu karijeru kao medijski i društveno – politički radnik, naročito u polju zaštite nacionalnih i etničkih manjina. Bio je poslanik u Narodnoj skupštini Republike Srbije u periodu 1993-2000. Autor dokumentarnog filma o stradanju Roma u Jasenovcu. Autor prvog stripa o istoriji Roma “Put od hiljadu godina “ (2020). Živi i radi u Beogradu.

Bajram Haliti – doktorant na Fakultetu za poslovne studije i pravo u Beogradu, novinar i publicista. Predsednik je Instituta za evropske studije Roma i istraživanje zločina protiv čovečnosti i međunarodnog prava. 2012. godine objavio je prvu dramu na srpskom jeziku o stradanjima Roma za vreme Drugog svetkog rata u logorima NDH. Naslov drame je ,,Romi u paklu Jasenovca“. Dobitnik je  plakete „Mira i tolerancije“ za doprinos u borbi za mir, toleranciju i razumevanje među ljudima i narodima; plakete „za naročite zasluge i doprinos na unapređenju kulturnog i prosvetnog života Roma, kao i za uspehe u razvijanju kulture Roma u Republici Srbiji.  Haliti je autor nekoliko naučnih radova o stradanjima Roma za vreme Drugog svetskog rata.

Milovan Pisari – Doktorirao je istoriju 2011. godine na Univerzitetu u Veneciji. U svom istraživačkom radu bavi se Holokaustom, genocidom nad Romima, antifašizmom, pitanjem civilnog stanovništva pod okupacijom. Autor je brojnih članaka u međunarodnim stručnim magazinima kao i publikacija i knjiga o stradanju Roma tokom Drugog svetskog rata i Holokaustu. Od 2018. godine jedan je od osnivača Centra za primenjenu istoriju u okviru kojeg razvija programske i projektne ideje udruženja kao direktor i istorijski istraživač. Trenutno je na post-doktorskim studijama kao stipendista Gerda Henkel fondacije.

Jelena Krivokapić Nikolić – Master pravnica iz oblasti pravnih nauka i aktivistkinja Pokreta Opre Roma Srbija. Više od 11 godina se bavi aktivizmom. Tokom svog angažmana u Forumu Roma Srbije vodila pravno savetovalište i pružala pravnu pomoć romskoj zajednici. Autorka je mnogobrojnih tekstova na temu diskriminacije Roma i Romkinja.






Hosted by:
17:00h – 18:30h
Beograd, Majke Jevrosime 51, street entrance, ground floor


On the night of the 2nd August 1944 about 4300 Roma men, women and children – the remaining prisoners of the so-called “Family Camp” (Zigeunerfamilienlager) in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp were killed in gas chambers. They are among hundreds of thousands of victims of the Roma Holocaust, killed by the Nazis and their allies.

In memory of these innocent victims, and all Sinti and Roma who suffered horrific fate during World War II, August 2nd is commemorated as the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day. In 2015, the European Parliament adopted a resolution officially declaring August 2nd as the European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day; and since then the date has been adopted in many European countries.

With the rise of separation rhetoric, hate speech and hate crimes, it is important to recall those dark moments in our history and learn from the lessons of the past. Roma Holocaust is still not a widely-known historical fact – it is rarely taught in school and is not part of the canon of Holocaust education.  Beyond remembering the victims of the past suffering, we must not forget that today too many Roma face discrimination and are victims of hate speech and hate crimes in Europe. This is a day of remembrance, but also a grim reminder that that we must not remain silent and fight against racism and anti-gypsyism in contemporary society.

The European Roma Institute of Arts and Culture Serbia (ERIAC SERBIA) together with Opre Roma Serbia and the Roma Education Fund (REF) are hosting a commemorative event to mark the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day. The main event which will take place in the gallery space of ERIAC Serbia in Belgrade, will feature the screening of the documentary And You God Survived, followed by the discussion between Ljuan Koka, the documentary’s screenwriter, Milovan Pisari, director of the Centre for Applied History and Holocaust expert, Bajram Haliti, Roma scholar and Roma Holocaust expert, Jelena Krivokapić Nikolić, lawyer and activist of the Opre Roma Serbia and Redjepali Chupi, director of the Roma Education Fund. In parallel, Opre Roma Serbia is organizing a screening and panel discussion as the main event in Leskovac and other local communities in Serbia.

Following the screening, a moderated discussion will be held to address the following questions: What is the history of the Holocaust against Roma during World War II and what are its ideological and social roots? How to increase visibility of the history of genocide against Roma in public? How can we change the negative discourses about Roma that are predominant among the majority society? What does it say about the youth susceptibility to new neo-Nazi ideologies and right-wing movements? What is the role of the education system in spreading knowledge and forming a more balanced view of Roma in society?

Guests at the screening will have the opportunity to ask questions and participate in the discussion. The event will also be live streamed on Facebook, allowing the local communities to participate in the discussion remotely.



17:00 – 17:10    Welcome

                          Bratislav Mitrović, Office Manager of ERIAC Serbia 


17:10 – 17:40   Screening of the documentary And You God Survived

17:40 – 18:10   Panel discussion Roma Remember – Remembrance of the Holocaust

                         Ljuan Koka – the author of a documentary A ti bože preživi

                         Bajram Haliti – Roma scholar and Roma Holocaust expert

                         Milovan Pisari – historical researcher and Holocaust expert

                         Jelena Krivokapić Nikolić – lawyer and activist of the Opre Roma Serbia

                         Redjepali Chupi – director of the Roma Education Fund

                         Panel discussion moderated by Jadranka Ivković, Director of ERIAC Serbia

18:10 – 18:30 Reception



The documentary A Ti Bože preživi (And You God Survived) was produced by Radio Television Prishtina in 1988, directed by Seljami Taraku and written by Ljuan Koka. Through the vision of a comic book artist, the film shows the suffering of Roma in the concentration camp in Jasenovac. The remastered version of the film was made in 2014 with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia. The film features Simon Wiesenthal, Milan Bulajic and Dragojlo Lukic, and Roma camp survivors Stjepan Nikolic, Joko Nikolic and Milan Djurdjevic. The testimony of the former detainee Stjepan Nikolić in the scenes from the trial of Andrija Artuković, the Minister of Justice in the Independent State of Croatia, is especially dramatic. Horrible stories of unprecedented brutality turn into a comic black and white world and send a clear reminder that we must build a better and more humane world. And that we must not allow to ever forget the suffering.

„And You God… survive

 And be smart

When you create a ghost again.”

(Roma folk song)



Ljuan Koka was born in 1960 in Prizren. Screenwriter, journalist, author of several textbooks and books, political scientist. He graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. He worked on comics in the period 1983-1987, as a screenwriter for Yu comic magazine. His most important comic series are: “Vorloh” and “Niti snova o moci”, “Shine on you crazy diamond” and “A Ti Bože preživi”. He had an extensive career as a media and socio – political worker, especially in the field of protection of national and ethnic minorities. He was a member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in the period 1993-2000. Author of a documentary film about the suffering of Roma in Jasenovac. Author of the first comic about the history of Roma “The Road of a Thousand Years” (2020). He lives and works in Belgrade.

Bajram Haliti – PhD student at the Faculty of Business Studies and Law in Belgrade, journalist and publicist. He is the President of the Institute for European Roma Studies and Research on Crimes against Humanity and International Law. In 2012, he published the first drama in Serbian about the suffering of Roma during the Second World War in the ISC camps titled “Roma in the Hell of Jasenovac”. He is the winner of the plaque “Peace and Tolerance” for his contribution to the fight for peace, tolerance and understanding among peoples and nations; plaques “for special merits and contribution to the improvement of cultural and educational life of Roma, as well as for successes in developing Roma culture in the Republic of Serbia. Haliti is the author of several scientific papers on the suffering of the Roma during World War II.

Milovan Pisari – He received his doctorate in history in 2011 from the University of Venice. In his research, he deals with the Holocaust, genocide against Roma, anti-fascism and the issue of civilian population under occupation. He is the author of numerous articles in international professional journals, as well as publications and books on the suffering of Roma during the Second World War and the Holocaust. Since 2018, he has been one of the founders of the Center for Applied History, within which he develops programs and projects, acting as its director and historical researcher. He is currently a post-doctoral Fellow at Gerd Henkel Foundation.

Jelena Krivokapić Nikolić – Master of Law in the field of legal science and activist of the Movement for the Support of Roma in Serbia (Opre Roma Serbia). She has been involved in activism for more than 11 years. During her engagement in the Roma Forum of Serbia, she ran a legal counselling service and provided legal assistance to the Roma community. She is the author of numerous texts on the topic of discrimination against Roma men and women.