Diaspora Europe Digital: Ferenc Snétberger – Solo Guitar Improvisations
Video of the concert available here for free from 27.01.21, 11:00 am until 31.01.2021, 10:00 pm
Jazz guitarist Ferenc Snétberger is known worldwide for his extraordinary art of improvisation. His compositions range from Hungarian gypsy jazz to Spanish flamenco, from classical guitar to jazzy episodes. He has recorded numerous albums and toured Europe, as well as Japan, Korea, India and the United States. He has performed his concert for guitar and orchestra, “In Memory of My People”, with chamber orchestras in Hungary, Italy and Germany, and on the occasion of International Holocaust Memorial Day at UN Headquarters in New York.
On the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of National Socialism Volksbühne’s Diaspora Europe Festival invites Sinti, Roma and Jewish communities to take a stand, presenting their own perspectives and narratives for Europe. The programme encapsulates diverse forms and practices developed by Jewish and Roma/Sinti public figures, scholars, artists, performers and citizens to contemplate and employ ideas to create a mutually accessible, translatable and inspirational European culture inviting active participation and engagement.
The Roma components of the Festival were curated by ERIAC in the framework of the German Presidency of the Council of Europe.