The Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) World Convention is the largest international and interdisciplinary scholarly gathering of its kind, welcoming proposals on a wide range of topics related to nationalism, ethnicity, ethnic conflict, and national identity. Annually held in the spring in New York City at the premises of Columbia University, the ASN World Convention brings together over 800 scholars from around the world to examine and push forward research on issues of nationalism, ethnicity, violence, conflict, economic development, and many other topics.
The 2019 ASN Convention, held at the Columbia University in New York between 2 and 4 of May, included two panels on dedicated to Critical Romani Studies which counted with the presence of most referenced scholars working in this field. ERIAC, represented by deputy director dr. Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, was engaged in both panels.
In the panel “Racialization and Ethnicization in Romani Studies? Intersectional Readings on Romani Identity”, chaired by Koen Slootmaeckers (City University of London, UK), dr. Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, presented the paper, “Roma Positionality: Translating the Roma Subjective Experience into Academic Discourse”. The other panelists included dr. Lucie Fremlova (University of Portsmouth, UK), dr. Julija Serdelic (University of Leuven, Belgium) and ERIAC Barvalipe Academy member, dr. Ethel Brooks (Rutgers University, USA), who served as the discussant of the presentations.
The panel “Historical Justice for Roma” was Chaired by dr. Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka. The panelists included ERIAC Board member dr. Iulius Rostas (Central European University, Hungary), dr. Ethel Brooks (Rutgers University, USA), dr. Margareta Matache (Harvard University, USA) and dr. Marton Rovid (Central European University, Hungary). Dr. Julija Serdelic (University of Leuven, Belgium) served as the discussant in the panel.