ERIAC Program

Projects, initiatives,
arts and culture events







EXHIBITION: Combing Through Time: Disentangling the Hidden Histories of the Roma Genocide


Emanuel Barica, Šimo Dominković, Ljuan Koka, Daniel Petrovski, Milovan Pisarri, Aleksandar Reljić, Miško Stanišić, Danijel Vojak.
Institutional Collaborators:
Public Institution Jasenovac Memorial Area, Serbian Military Archive, The Koprivnice City Museum, Town Museum Jastrebarsko, The Museum of Vojvodina, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, The Archives of Yugoslavia.


Belgrade, September 13, 2024 – The European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) Serbia proudly opened the exhibition “Combing Through Time: Disentangling the Hidden Histories of the Roma Genocide”. The exhibition illuminates the often-overlooked narratives of the Roma genocide during World War II and honors the resilience of the Roma community in Serbia and the region. It served as an introduction to a training program focused on the role of media professionals in combating discrimination and antigypsyism, featuring 30 participants from the Western Balkans and Türkiye. The exhibition will remain open to the public until March 20, 2025.


The opening ceremony featured welcoming remarks from Nadia Ćuk, Deputy Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade, and Mr. Bratislav Mitrović, Acting Director of ERIAC Serbia. Ms. Ćuk emphasized the importance of media professionals in nurturing a culture of remembrance, stating:

“I am especially pleased that media professionals are present at this exhibition. Media professionals, along with artists, are important allies in promoting solidarity and building a more just society.”

Mr. Mitrović added:

“This exhibition is not just an act of remembrance but a space for learning and dialogue, inviting us to rethink the dominant narratives of World War II and include Roma voices and experiences in our shared history.”


Visiting Information:

  • Open to the Public: The exhibition runs from September 13, 2024, to March 20, 2025. Work days from 09:00 to 17:00.
  • Entry: Free for all visitors.
  • Group Tours: We encourage groups to experience the exhibition together! Please make a reservation by contacting us at eriac.serbia@eriac.org.


Disclaimer: This activity is implemented with the financial support of the Roma Integration Phase  III Joint Programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union or the Council of Europe.




IZLOŽBA: Češljanje Kroz Vreme: Rasplitanje Skrivenih Istorija Genocida nad Romima


Saradnici: Emanuel Barica, Šimo Dominković, Ljuan Koka, Daniel Petrovski, Milovan Pisarri, Aleksandar Reljić, Miško Stanišić, Danijel Vojak.

Institucionalni saradnici: Javna ustanova Memorialni kompleks Jasenovac, Vojni arhiv Srbije, Muzej grada Koprivnice, Gradski muzej Jastrebarsko, Muzej Vojvodine, Memorijalni muzej Holokausta Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Arhivi Jugoslavije.


Beograd, 13. septembar 2024. – Evropski romski institut za umetnost i kulturu (ERIAC) Srbija s ponosom je otvorio izložbu “Češljanje Kroz Vreme: Rasplitanje Skrivenih Istorija Genocida nad Romima”. Izložba osvetljava često zanemarene narative genocida nad Romima tokom Drugog svetskog rata i odaje počast otpornosti romske zajednice u Srbiji i regionu. Takođe, izložba je uvod u trening fokusiran na ulogu medijskih profesionalaca u borbi protiv diskriminacije i anticiganizma, sa 30 učesnika iz Zapadnog Balkana i Turske. Izložba će biti otvorena za javnost do 20. marta 2025.


Ceremonija otvaranja obuhvatila je uvodne reči Nadi Ćuk, zamenice šefa Kancelarije Saveta Evrope u Beogradu, i gospodina Bratislava Mitrovića, vršioca dužnosti direktora ERIAC Srbija. Gospođa Ćuk je naglasila važnost medijskih profesionalaca u negovanju kulture sećanja:

“Posebno me raduje što su medijski profesionalci prisutni na ovoj izložbi. Medijski profesionalci, zajedno sa umetnicima, su važni saveznici u promovisanju solidarnosti i izgradnji pravednijeg društva.”

Gospodin Mitrović je dodao:

“Ova izložba nije samo akt sećanja, već prostor za učenje i dijalog, koji nas poziva da preispitamo dominantne narative Drugog svetskog rata i uključimo romske glasove i iskustva u našu zajedničku istoriju.”


Informacije o posetama:

Otvoreno za javnost: Izložba traje od 13. septembra 2024. do 20. marta 2025. Radni dani od 09:00 do 17:00.
Ulaz: Besplatan za sve posetioce.
Grupne ture: Pozivamo grupe da zajedno posete izložbu! Molimo vas da rezervišete kontaktiranjem na eriac.serbia@eriac.org.

Napomena: Ova aktivnost se sprovodi uz finansijsku podršku Zajedničkog programa Integracija Roma Faza III Evropske Unije i Saveta Evrope. Stavovi izraženi ovde se ni u kom slučaju ne mogu smatrati službenim mišljenjem Evropske Unije ili Saveta Evrope.

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April) Diaspora Europe: Event series of ERIAC and Volksbühne Berlin 2020 “Who is afraid of identity politics?” ERIAC joins the discussion at the CEU ERIAC is awarded a grant from the European Cultural Foundation Alina Serban – winner of the 1st Tajsa Roma Cultural Heritage Prize TAJSA PRIZE CEREMONY AND DORANTES CONCERT Barvalipe Academy holds its second meeting in Berlin ERIAC IMPACT – public presentation of the ERIAC achievements and plans ERIAC celebrates its second General Assembly in Berlin Finalists of the Tajsa Roma Cultural Heritage Prize 2019 announced! 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