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Romani Čhib A1

The Romani Čhib A1 textbook aims to build up the global harmonisation of the Romani language, and to provide learning opportunities of equal quality, and the right to Romani mother-tongue tuition for Roma students.


The harmonisation of the Romani language dialects involves building upon what has been done in the past decades, continuing the research, documenting the different dialects in cooperation with a range of Roma language experts and universities, but it will also involve consultations and negotiations at an international level, over the common variety of our language.

The textbook was written in accordance with the principles of the Curriculum Framework for Romani, developed by the Council of Europe’s Language Policy Division in 2008, which is based on the common reference levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The textbook thus aligns itself with the wider policies that shape the Council of Europe’s work on language education.


The Romani Čhib A1 textbook incorporates lexical and grammatical features from multiple Romani varieties, having as its aim to set up a harmonised Romani, that will be accessible to the largest number of Roma in Europe. Therefore, the test edition of Romani Čhib A1, alongside revision by five European Romani language specialists, who are speakers of different dialects, has been distributed in 20 countries to experts in Romani linguistics and in language education, to European Roma language specialists, and to speakers of multiple Romani dialects, who sent their feedback to ERIAC through a distributed survey, based upon which improvements have been made toward the common/general Romani language.

The language education experts of the University of Graz and the Goethe Institute have also contributed to the improvement of Romani Čhib A1 for adults.


An online dictionary comprehending the textbook is accessible here.


To listen to the audio recordings, please click here and refer to the password shared in the printed edition of your textbook.

The renewed and corrected 2022 edition of Romani Čhib A1 for adults was realized in the frame of the International Cultural Outreach Program, supported by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany