Diaspora Europe: Event series of ERIAC and Volksbühne Berlin 2020

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the end of WW II, ERIAC and Volksbühne are hosting an eventseries entitled “Diaspora Europe” curated by Shally Kupferberg and Timea Junghaus. The events between March 1st and December 10 are gathering Roma/Sinti and Jewish communities to explore the politics and poetics of diaspora belonging within contemporary Europe.


Diaspora Europe encapsulates diverse forms and practices developed by Jewish and Roma/Sinti ordinary citizens, public figures, scholars, artists and creatives to contemplate and employ the idea on how to transcend national boundaries, creating a mutually accessible, translatable, and inspirational European culture that invites participation. The program series employs intimate and public discussions, the writing together of current discourses, deploying images, artworks, events and objects in the Volksbühne to unveil Jewish and Roma/Sinti history and contemporary reality as a form of constant adaptation, realignment, recalibration and re-invention. The initiative presents people, works and voices that unfold the story of the contributions by a multitude of diaspora communities to our understanding and imagination of our contemporary Europe. Together the Jewish and the Sinti and Roma invite you to Volksbühne to challenge hegemonic national representations, and join to take pride and shape a horizontal, polyphonic and dynamic European cultural paradigm offering new perspectives for the future.


Events are subject to modifications. Please visit https://www.volksbuehne.berlin/de/ for final program and ticket sale.





01.March – Diaspora Europa: Opferkonkurrenz, Opferallianz?
[11:00 Sternfoyer]


Keynotes: Andreas Nachama, Romani Rose
Discussion with: Emran Elmazi, Gilda Horvath, Lea Wohl von Haselberg
Presented by: Shelly Kupferberg

language of the event: German


29. March – Diaspora Europa: The Day I am Free. The Story of Katarina Taikon

[19:00 – Grüner Salon]


Movie screeining followed by discussion with director Lawen Mohtadi and curator of the exhibition on Katarina Taikon´s book “Katitzi” Maria Lind. Moderated by Anna-Mirga Kruszelnicka

language of the event: English


08. April – Roma Public Intervention

Artistic intervention of Robert Gabris on the International Roma Day



07. May – May 11 Series of event including Sinti Jazz concert, lecutres, public performances and party.

Details will be published on both ERIAC and Volksbühne website