U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Kent Logsdon Visits ERIAC
On 06 April 2018, in connection to the International Roma Day, ERIAC was visited by the delegation of the U.S. Embassy in Germany. The meeting, hosted by ERIAC executive management, was attended by U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires, Mr. Kent Logsdon, Ms. Sandra Sebastian, a political specialist, and Mr. Jake Nelson, the Secretary of the Political Section.
During the meeting, ERIAC presented the U.S. Embassy delegation with the process of ERIAC’s establishment and its historic character and discussed ERIAC’s activities up-to-date, including the International Cultural Outreach Program and the recent exhibitions and events. ERIAC also discussed the plans for the near future and the possibilities for future collaboration.
Chargé d’Affaires Mr. Kent Logsdon inquired about the situation of Roma in Germany and in Europe, asked about Germany’s role in promoting Roma arts and culture, nationally and abroad. During the meeting, the issue of the Roma Holocaust Commemoration was discussed, taking stock of important developments in this regard in Germany, the EU, and the US, making reference to the appointment of Prof. Ethel Brooks to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.
The meeting concluded with the guided tour of the current ERIAC exhibition “Transgressing the Past, Shaping the Future”.