OPEN CALL 2024 | ERIAC Grant – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)




1. Can I apply as an individual?

According to the grant conditions and regulations you cannot apply as an individual. The applicant must be a legal entity, a non-profit organization established in a Member State of the European Union, and must respect EU values as laid down in Art.2 of the Treaty on European Union and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

2. How can I register as an ERIAC institutional member?

At the beginning of each year, ERIAC launches an online call for new members. The call will be promoted using social media and also on the website www.eriac.org. There will be an online application form where you can apply.

3. Can I still apply if I am a newly/recently established NGO?

Yes, you can apply if you are a newly/recently established organization as long as you are a member of ERIAC. In this case, if you do not have a financial report (something that we ask for when you apply for grants), you need to submit an official document signed by the legal representative stating that you are a new organization.

4. Can I apply if I am located and/or plan to execute implementation in a Non-EU country?

According to the grant regulations and conditions only members of ERIAC that are located in a Member State of the European Union can apply. For this project, you can have partners from a Non-EU country, but the activities developed must happen in the territory of the European Union.

5. Is the applicant organization expected to provide self-contribution to the total project budget?

The project funding rate is set at 100%. Grants will be disbursed in one installment that will be paid upon signing the grant contract, with the.

6. What decides the size of the grant I am applying for?

The size of the grant you are applying for will be decided by the amount requested in the application form. For this call, there are 2 types of grants available: • Small Grants in the amount of €2000 – €5000 • Large Grants in the amount of €10,000 – €20,000

7. How many applications can I submit?

Each organization can submit only one application.

9. When and how will I be informed of the outcome of my application?

Notifications of unsuccessful/selected applicants will be sent by email in end of May 2025.

10. Where/How can I preview my application?

After submitting your project, you will promptly receive an automated confirmation email. This email will include your application form and any uploaded documents for your reference. Please note that in some instances, it may take additional time to receive this email. Additionally, remember to check your spam folder if you haven’t received it.

11. Are specific templates provided by ERIAC required for uploading the requested documents in the application form?

Applicants are required to submit four documents, including the Project Budget and the Activity Timetable of the Proposal, using the templates provided by ERIAC. These templates can be found in the open call announcement as well as within the application form located further down the page.

12. Whom can I contact in case of additional questions or difficulties with uploading documents?

If you are facing issues when submitting the application form, please contact the project manager (Claudiu Pamfil, claudiu.pamfil@eriac.org ).