
Seminar on Romani Aesthesis

SEMINAR ON ROMANI AESTHESIS: Emancipatory Potentials Beyond Modern-Colonial Art and Aesthetic Iván Periáñez Bolaño in conversation with Miguel Ángel Vargas Rubio September 3, 19:00 Tak Village im Aufbau Haus, Oranienhof, 10969 Berlin   Manolo Gómez, Clavel Negro, 2010, Collection Kai Dikhas   In his latest book titled ¨Cosmosonoridades¨, Iván Periáñez Bolaño, Professor of Anthropology at...

Manolo Gómez Romero: “the freedom and creative balance of a 5000-year-old child”

Almost two decades have passed since the first exhibition of contemporary Roma art was held at the Venice Biennale in 2007. In these years, Roma representation has been discontinuous, although the periodicity and the demand for their own pavilion continues to be a struggle for institutions and agents such as the European Roma Institute for...

Cannes Producers Workshop – Highlights from Alina Șerban

Cannes Producers Workshop – Highlights from Alina Șerban When: 14 August, Wednesday, 16:00-18:00 CET  Webinar Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87674479501   Award-winning actress, director and producer Alina Șerban, shares her experiences from the ImpACT Workshop series in Cannes. This is a unique chance to learn firsthand from her journey, get an inside scoop on film production at one...

CARGO – of Dust and Ashes

CARGO – of Dust and Ashes                       exhibition featuring works of Charly Bechaimont (FR), Anita Horváth (HU), Lila Loisse (UK) Curated by RomaMoMA | Emese Molnár August 2nd marks the 80th anniversary of the Roma Holocaust, a repressed trauma that has only recently resurfaced thanks to the intellectual and political efforts of Romani elites beginning...

Post-migrant Eastern Europe: Launch of Magazyn RTV’s latest issue

Magazyn RTV presentation and discussion at ERIAC on June 13th, Thursday, 18:30 Reinhardtstraße 41-43, 10117 Berlin   RTV Magazine (Magazyn RTV) is the online platform for art and activism published by the Municipal Gallery Arsenal in Poznan, Poland. The European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) hosts the launch event of the magazine’s latest...

May 16 – Romani Resistance Day

We are loud. We remain silent. We protest. We perform. We bring our bodies to the streets. We hide away. We scream resistance, while we unlearn harmful practices of our upbringing. We stand alone. We form communities. Resistance may take different forms, but one truth remains immutable: we should all have the “Right to Respond”....

Winners of Artists in Residence 2024 in Villa Romana, Florence

International Guest Artists 2024: Charly Bechaimont and Lila Loisse   A cooperation between the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) and Villa Romana in Florence. Villa Romana and ERIAC are pleased to announce the winners of their joint artist-in-residency program for 2024, following successful collaborations since 2020. Villa Romana is a place of...

ANDO FORO – Roma Contributions to Berlin’s Contemporary Art Scene

Is it the Berliner’s open-minded attitude? Their peculiar sensitivity towards questions of identity? Are the roots to be found in the migration routes of the Roma? Where did it all start? One thing is undeniable: Berlin has consistently played a crucial role in the cultural and social life of the Roma diaspora and, synchronically, Roma...


  In the frame of ERIACNET4EU: ERIAC NETWORK TO ADVANCE ROMA INCLUSION BY COMBATTING AND PREVENTING ANTIGYPSYISM IN THE EU project in 2023, financed by the European Commission, and building on the input and experience – through survey responses, discussions, and written contributions – of the members of the ERIAC Knowledge-Production and Publication thematic section,...


Scholarship to Join the ImpACT Lab Workshops in Cannes We are pleased to announce the forging of a new partnership with Marché du Film and ImpACT Lab which aims to bridge the gap between Roma representation on film and the lived experience of contemporary Roma communities across Europe. It is time to address the film...